Workshop - “LULUCF: enhancing climate policy implementation”
The event was organised by the European Commission, DG CLIMA, together with the European Environment Agency. The workshop took place in Copenhagen (18-19 December 2023), involving over 100 participants, mostly decision-makers in Member States, national, regional, and local authorities engaged in the development and implementation of climate policies as well as national experts responsible for inventory management.
The interactive hybrid workshop was aimed at:
- Present the contents of a new, accessible, Handbook explaining concepts useful for policy implementation of the revised LULUCF regulation.
- Facilitate the exchange of practical knowledge and best practice examples, to improve LULUCF monitoring and policy design.
A briefing on the workshop can be found below:
The presentations are available at the following links:
DAY 1 - 18 December
Key note presentation: Opportunities presented by the revised LULUCF Regulation for policy planning and implementation – Simon Kay DG CLIMA, EC
Overview of the LULUCF Handbook - Hannes Böttcher, Oeko-Institut
Session 1: Synergies and opportunities for agriculture and forest policy planning and implementation
France: CAP Ecoschemes & carbon monitoring, Sebastien Bouvatier, Ministry of Agriculture, France
Italy: Forest fire management and reporting, Guido Pellis, ISPRA, Italy
Canada: Re-Use of inventory tools for projections by policy makers and landowners, Carolyn Smyth, Canadian Forest Service
DAY 2 - 19 December
Session 2: Enabling forest and agriculture policy design with improved geographically explicit data
Germany: Remote sensing for improved climate policy, Stefan Erasmi, Thünen Institute
Croatia: the multiple purposes of the Croatian land information system (LIFE CROLIS), Vladimir Jelavić, Ekonerg
Romania: Spatially explicit land monitoring and possible policy outcomes, Raul Radu, ICAS
Key insights and how to move forward with enhanced monitoring and Wrap up of session 1 and 2 by Anu Korosuo, JRC
Session 3: Enhanced monitoring of areas subject to protection and high biodiversity value
Denmark: Enhanced organic soil carbon monitoring to support future climate policy, Mogens H. Greve, Aarhus University
Ireland: Advancement in peatland reporting and synergies with peatland protection, Bernard Hyde, Environmental Protection Agency
Netherlands: Advancements in wetland reporting and synergies with wetland restoration, Jeroen Veraart, Wageningen Environmental Research
The way forward – Tools for supporting Member States in their monitoring efforts - John van Aardenne, EEA