A national system for policies and measures and projections represents the institutional, legal and procedural arrangements established for reporting on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions policies and measures and GHG projections. A complete and transparent national system is essential to deliver good-quality information on GHG projections to integrate policy effects and understand GHG emission trends. It seeks to ensure the timeliness, transparency, accuracy, consistency, comparability and completeness of the information on policies and measures and projections.
About national systems for policies and measures and projections
European countries report information on their national systems for policies and measures and projections under the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action Regulation. The EEA compiles and disseminates the reported information.
The reported information includes main elements of the national system for policies and measures and projections, such as:
- the name and contacts of the responsible entity;
- the institutional, legal, procedural and administrative arrangements in place for preparing reports on policies and measures and projections;
- a description of the data collection process and the process to ensure the data quality;
- links to arrangements for integrated national energy and climate reports and stakeholder engagement in preparing the GHG policies and measures and GHG projections.
A stable national system with clear arrangements is critical for developing and regularly updating national GHG projections and evaluating policy instruments aiming to reduce GHG emissions.
What the data are telling us
- All EU member States established a national system for reporting on GHG policies and measures and projections.
- There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to developing a national system, but good practices can be identified.
- A stable national system with clear arrangements is critical for developing and regularly updating national GHG projections and evaluating climate policy instruments.