EO for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification of Carbon Removals

Copenhagen, 8-11 October 2024

The European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are pleased to announce a forthcoming conference on:

EO for monitoring, reporting, and verification of carbon removals

The conference aims to bring together experts from various fields to discuss how Earth observation can enable continuous, large-scale monitoring, offering timely and accurate data in the EU context. Particular attention will be given to the implementation of the LULUCF regulation and the forthcoming Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming Certification (CRCF) Regulation and other related topics (e.g. blue carbon).

The conference is organized in two parts:

  1. EO for improving LULUCF Monitoring, reporting and verification - 8-9 of October,
  2. Second Forum on EO for Carbon Markets -  9-11 October.

Please note that participation is in person only.

Registrations are now closed. For any information, please do not hesitate to contact us at eea-cet-meetings@eea.europa.eu.

Venue: DGI Byen Tietgensgade 65, 1704 København V

Objectives of the Conference

In the ongoing quest to mitigate climate change, the role of land in sequestering carbon has become increasingly crucial. The European Union has recognized this through the implementation of the Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) regulation and the EU carbon removal certification framework. These frameworks aim to ensure that land-use practices contribute effectively to the EU's climate goals by accurately tracking carbon fluxes and promoting sustainable land management practices.

This conference, co-organized by the EEA and ESA, aims to bring together experts from various fields to discuss how Earth observation can enable continuous, large-scale monitoring, offering timely and accurate data in the context of the EU LULUCF regulation and the forthcoming EU carbon removal certification framework.

This conference seeks to:

  • Update on Recent Climate Policy Developments: Provide an overview of recent climate policy developments at the EU level in the land sector, covering LULUCF improved MRV requirements and the forthcoming Carbon Removals certification framework, exploring interlinkages between the two as well as other EU initiatives (EU-ETS)
  • Highlight Advances in Earth Observation: Showcase the latest developments in satellite and remote sensing technologies relevant to carbon monitoring.
  • Discuss Regulatory Implications: Explore the intersection of Earth observation capabilities with the LULUCF regulation and the carbon removal certification framework.
  • Share Best Practices: Provide a platform for sharing successful case studies and methodologies in land carbon monitoring and verification.
  • Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between GHG National inventory compilers, scientists, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of carbon removals initiatives.

The conference sessions will include oral presentations (on invitation) and discussion rounds. Details of the session topics are available in the draft agenda (below).

The official language of the workshop will be English.

There is no participation or registration fee for this event.

Please note that participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at eea-cet-meetings@eea.europa.eu

Organizing Committee

Antony Delavois

European Space Agency - ESA

Basanta Gautam

South Pole

Bradley Matthews

Environment Agency Austria -UBA

Christian Retscher

ESA / Seconded Expert to DG CLIMA

Frank Martin Seifert

European Space Agency - ESA

Ivan Martinez

DG CLIMA C.3 - European Commission

John Van Aardenne

European Environment Agency - EEA

Lucia Perugini

European Environment Agency - EEA

Michelle Hermes

European Association of Remote Sensing Companies - EARSC

Mila Luleva

Rabobank ACORN

Mirco Migliavacca

Joint Research Centre - European Commission

Paulo Canaveira

APA - Portuguese Environment Agency

Richard Hall


Valeria Forlin

DG CLIMA C.3 - European Commission